Discover your roots through Torah Study classes in a wide range of topics.
Ongoing classes
Three thousand years ago at a mountain in a desert, a people gathered and heard G-d speak. Since the day the Torah was given, generations of Jews lived by it and died for it. In every generation, sages and simple folk studied, argued and contemplated the Torah. Their questions, answers and lessons became a dynamic part of Torah tradition. At OTC we pride ourself with the large selection of classes from beginner to advanced levels. Our large selection of classes held every week, allows you to discover your roots through Torah Study classes in a wide range of topics.The courses and classes are open to all regardless of background or affiliation. 
The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute

The mission of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute is to inspire Jewish learning worldwide and to transform Jewish life and the greater community through Torah study. Our goal is to create a global network of informed students connected by bonds of shared Jewish experience.

JLI aspires to be the pre-eminent provider of adult Jewish education, and to continue to set new standards in the field. We are a learning organization, listening and responding to our affiliates and students so we can continue to grow in new ways.

Our holistic approach to Jewish study considers the impact of Jewish values on personal and interpersonal growth. Drawing on research-based instructional design and cutting-edge approaches to adult learning, JLI's innovative presentation of traditional Judaism is designed to be both intellectually rigorous and highly accessible.

JLI is associated with Merkos L'Inyanei Chinuch, the educational arm of Chabad-Lubavitch.

Click here to register for our upcoming course.

Torah Studies at Chapters

Designed and developed by the world-renowned Jewish Learning Institute, the Torah Studies program brings you the tradition of classical Jewish learning in a series of clear and engaging weekly classes.  Probing the ideas and issues presented in each week’s Torah portion, the Torah Studies classes offer timely lessons for living – from the most timeless of all texts.

The Torah Studies program will take you through the yearly cycle of the Five Books of Moses, introducing you to new planes in spiritual, social and self-awareness – one week at a time.

Click here for more. 

Talmud Study
The sea of Talmud covers a wide range of topics. Join us as we surf these treasured waters, and become exposed to fresh ideas, stories, customs and the origin of the code of Jewish Law.
Lunch & Learn
It's time for lunch! Maximize your lunch break. 
Relax and enjoy a refreshing and stimulating Torah study session while enjoying a delicious lunch.