Chabad Hebrew School Shavuot Dinner This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure. Name: Address: City: Prov. PC: Phone: Email: How many Adults attending: How many Children attending: Please charge my card $54 for my family. We are delighted to sponsor to help with the cost of the evening. Please charge my card $180 (includes the $54 family cost). Charitable receipt to be issued. Please charge my credit card in the amount of $ VISA Master Card Card number: exp.(mm/yyyy) / Credit Card CVV Number: My cheque payable to OTC is in the mail. Will etransfer my payment to [email protected] Please maill all cheques to Ottawa Torah Centre 111 Lamplighters Drive Ottawa, ON K2J 0C2 Looking forward to seeing you there. Please contact us at [email protected] should you have any questions or need more information This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.